Hi, I'm Dr. Krista!

Understanding my background before you join the The EASY Way Foundations Program is probably important to you… And it’s important to me, too! We will be working together for a while to get you mastering your health goals, so let's make sure you're in the perfect place for you to do that.


I've been a practicing Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 2001, and a practicing integrative Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner since 2016. And my learning never stops! That's a long time learning to best guide people towards their healthiest selves! I'm a seasoned health care specialist! I LOVE to geek out on science and apply my knowledge and skills to solving complex cases in my private medical practice, AcuPlus Wellness Clinic and virtually to ladies all over the world. I've got the skillset to help you reach your goals AND I'm living proof it's EASY to lose stubborn weight, even with a complex autoimmune condition, and get healthier!

I practice what I preach! This Program has worked wonders for my own recovery from illness & stubborn weight loss resistance! So, I know the power of great information, dedication to change, and great group support to get lasting health wins. I have maintained a loss of 50 pounds for over a year already and it was really EASY to do!

My main goal with The EASY Way Foundations Program is to help you navigate the 4 EASY Pillars of foundational health while doing my Signature Program to reset your metabolism back to where it naturally likes to be and reduce inflammation, all to jumpstart change and help you succeed in becoming healthier forever, with the happy perk of reaching your ideal weight and feeling amazing!


Weight loss for me these past 10 years has been a constant struggle. And I had already removed gluten and all dairy that whole time as a major part of managing a complex autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis! I’m also post-menopausal and have a fast paced career (which I absolutely love, by the way)! These things of course impact my metabolism.

But so much??

I just couldn’t figure out precisely why I was struggling so darn much to lose the weight I had gained since age 40 and why the chronic pain was ever present. I knew it is common with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism to struggle with weight and even pain, but this symptom of excess weight was really negatively impacting my self image and quality of life.


I was FRUSTRATED and OVERWHELMED with my failure to resolve this big metabolism issue. My ego said I should have the answers because of my crazy amount of medical training. Yet, I still hadn't cracked the code for my own injured physiology. I will say that it is particularly challenging to see what you yourself needs to do and easier to see what others need...

I knew dietary shifts were REQUIRED for successful management of any inflammatory illness, including excess weight and pain. But I let my biases about diet cloud my vision.

To push my mind outside this self limiting box I’d created around medicine, I consulted a wonderful colleague of mine and we brainstormed solutions. And VOILA! I finally realized what was missing for my metabolism to shift more naturally. That was a great example of the power of community!


I realized that not only did I need keep gluten and dairy out of my diet and focus more on regulating sugar metabolism - things I already knew and followed - but I also had to find a simple way to remind my body that it lives in abundance, I needed to eat at the times for maximizing healing, and most controversial of all to me, I needed to remove extra fat from my diet for just a short while so my body would focus on breaking down my own fat reserves for energy.

Seems so obvious now, but it wasn’t obvious to me for a long long time.

Fat is required for optimal health, especially for an aging brain and for hormone production, so removing fat from my diet for even a little while, seemed inappropriate to me.

Yet, when I really sat with the idea and learned more, it made more and more sense.

So, I tried these new-to-me ideas myself and in 8 weeks I lost 35 pounds EASILY! And I have EASILY kept it off and more since then - total of 50 pounds GONE!

I was hooked.



With repeated cycles of this Program, I reached my current goal weight in record time and have found it incredibly EASY to keep the weight off. And some equally amazing non-scale wins were *the complete resolution of pain *lifting of brain fog *feeling naturally happier *sleeping more deeply *thinking more clearly *better recovery after weight lifting again *confidence I will NEVER be fat again! Depending on the time of year, I go kayaking weekly for hours at a time, I took up cycling again, started hiking again, went caving, skydiving and more!

The biggest revelation for me though is that unlike at any other time in my life, I have absolute confidence now that I will reach my ultimate goal weight, maintain it and continue to heal with this style of eating and other skillpower tools I've practiced that I teach in the Program. I love the Program that much for my own life and will practice elements of it forever. The confidence I have now is priceless.

In addition to becoming more active, I also love how my self talk has improved significantly. I have my life back and for the first time since I was 40, I feel like I can be who I want to be!

Continuing to follow the Program allows me to continue my personal health journey, including weight and inflammation management, with a great deal more EASE. Even with a diagnosed autoimmune condition. Past doctors told me autoimmunity couldn't be managed, but I've proven to myself and others it can be.

I KNOW this works.

Healthfully & Fast!

We get unprecedented results in the health care industry with this Program!

AND it's sustainable with committed effort to yourself!

NO medications, NO supplements! Just ingredients and appropriate eating for your YOUnique body!

As you might imagine, these revelations for me made me want to share this information with anyone who'd listen!! It's taken my style of personalized medicine to another EASY level! It has changed my medical practice drastically.

When you join us in the Program, I'm confident I can teach you the principles to successfully apply them to your own life and help you master them! You need time to develop enough skillpower to help you get the life you want. 3 months gets you started and if you remain in the Facebook group, you can continue the journey with support.


If you're shouting HECK YES!, then I'm here for you one bazillion percent!



SIGNATURE PROGRAM + 3 months EASY YOUniversity