How long is The EASY Way with Dr. K Program in total?

This is a 4 Phase Program done over ~12 weeks (3 months). For some Members, this will be the only time officially doing 4 Phases for 3 months and they will predominantly continue to live in the Renew Phase. For others with more weight they'd like to lose over time and more unwanted symptoms, repeating the Program more than once, with refinements and adjustments per individual, will be their path. It becomes your LIFE as it gets personalized. This helps ensure the results last! It truly can become so EASY as you internalize the concepts and practice them!

Do I have to join the private Facebook group?

This 12 week program can be completed on your own as a self-study course, but from experience, is best done in a group environment with accountability and daily Coaching in the private Facebook community. At the end of the 12 weeks, you have the option to continue with the Facebook community for ongoing support as a monthly Member so you continue to receive valuable assistance as you go through the various seasons of your life and make this process your LIFE for long term wins. It has been my experience that Members are far more likely to succeed in reaching your health goals if you participate in the Facebook group.

If I change my mind, can I get a refund?

There is no refund available for this Program. So, be sure you are ready to invest in your health before purchasing.

What if I don't lose any weight?

You WILL lose weight and you WILL get many non-scale wins as well if you follow the Program and Dr. Krista's advice. The essential ingredients here are discipline and commitment to your long term success, along with learning to understand your own body's needs and respecting those needs daily. Weight lost during the Reset Phase is typically between 20 & 30 pounds! That is amazing! And it's done healthfully and sustainably. It can easily work for you too.

Do I have to do the 2 days of the Recall Phase at the start?

Resetting your stubborn metabolism is a bit of a shock to the systems of the body at first. The 2 days of the Recall Phase is part of that shock. It helps remind the body it has more than adequate access to high density foods, it reminds you what it feels like to overindulge, and it creates some physiological shifts in your body, setting it up for a much more successful Reset Phase. Those who refuse to do this Phase tend to lose less weight during the Reset Phase and struggle more with cravings, and the difference is not simple water weight. The true goal of The EASY Way Phases for weight loss is to teach the body to metabolize foods more naturally so it becomes far easier to maintain a healthy weight. These Phases are set up in a way to maximize the healthy resetting of your metabolism. But the Phases are also set up for non-scale wins too, such as pain and brain fog reduction and more. So, yes, it is strongly encouraged to participate in the Recall Phase at the start. You can load those 2 days very healthfully, without processed foods, or you can eat those processed foods as a Goodbye to Inflammatory Foods Party, so to speak. NOTES: If you have a poorly managed serious medical condition, ensure this Program is a good fit for you before purchasing by discussing it with a trusted health practitioner. Also, even if you don't have a lot of weight to lose but do experience symptoms that are disrupting your life, this program can be slightly tailored to reset your metabolism too. Explanations are available in the documents of the Program.

What makes this Program more effective than any other weight loss program I've tried in the past?

I've seen time and again how EASY losing weight and keeping it off can be for our Members. The main difference I've found is in the mindset work that is combined with the diet change. There is also no focus on counting calories outside of the Recall Phase, and instead is all about eating whole foods the body tolerates, how to plan meals and meal timing. Most importantly though, if one's beliefs are limiting their health success, I constantly encourage many ways to gradually change them to those that support weight loss and building a healthier life than they were experiencing. It works!

Can I do this Program if I'm cooking for others or vacationing?

Yes, the meal planning is very simple, so you can adapt most recipes to suit this eating Program. The essential ingredients for success here are discipline and commitment to the Program and to your own long term success! I promote various ways to batch cook for being prepared for any situation, planning meals, being creative with food, mindset and physical, mental and spiritual activities and engaging with the group for accountability. This all helps make navigating vacations, events and daily family meals easier.

Can I repeat the 3 month Program again on my own?

Once you learn the skills and mindset pieces in this Program, you can apply them repeatedly to attain your total weight loss and health goals and to maintain those wins and the new healthy habits for the rest of your life. If you'd like support as you practice what you learn, I encourage you to remain in the monthly Facebook group Membership where you'll receive guidance and inspiration from myself and Members to help you successfully work through the various seasons of your life. We go farther together.

Will I have access to course materials after 3 months if I decide not to join the monthly Membership?

Absolutely! The extensive catalogue of 40+ documents, infographics and recipes you'll receive in a dripped out format over the first 5 weeks of the Program will be yours to access as long as the App is available (which will be a long time :) I recommend that you download the document to your own files, however, for easy access and in case a technological glitch occurs by some unforeseen circumstance.

Can I get Private Coaching if needed?

Yes, as a Member, you'll have access to Private Coaching calls with me, Dr. Krista, and the Health Coach, at pro-rated, special rates for as long as you're a Member. During the Program, there is no doctor-patient relationship between you and myself. However, if you choose Private Coaching, a second Consent Form would need to be reviewed and signed to initiate a doctor-patient relationship outside the private group. Anything discussed during these calls would remain confidential except if you choose to breach this yourself in group conversations. Additionally, you may prefer to do a full 1:1 personalized Program with Dr. Krista. You can request to learn more about her Needle Mover Membership for more comprehensive 1:1 care.


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