Healing by Design

is an attitude you can learn!

If you're done with the struggles, fear and overwhelm that stop you cold every time you think about your own health...

Then it's time for your inner Transformational Superstar to rise up and create your best life yet!

JOIN other powerful women like you in the private women's group, The EASY YOUniversity, and be expertly guided towards a confident understanding of your YOUnique body and mind and how to intentionally apply EASY foundational ideals so that you GET TO live your best life from the inside out.

You are not broken, my lovely! But life gets harder if you don't take intentional intelligent actions to live a healthier life.

You are a powerful woman who could easily unlock her greatest potential and be a greater phenome in this world!

Are you ready for YOUR ADVENTURE?



ONLY $42 CAD + GST/month

* pay month-to-month, cancel anytime

* FREE access to The Design Your Stunning Life Workshop after 3 months + loads of discounts on other courses & consultations



$497 CAD + GST for a year

* all monthly perks

* FREE access to The EASY Way Foundations Signature Program (3 month weight & inflammation management program; normally $697 CAD)

The EASY YOUniversity is founded on

3 Primary Principles & their Philosophies

If these ideals resonate with you, you will LOVE being a Member!


The 4 EASY Pillars

The 4 EASY Pillars is Dr. Krista's framework for designing your lifestyle over time to get the life that you want!

You begin by developing the foundational skills within each Pillar and add complexity as your grow.

E = everything to do with eating

A = mental, physical, spiritual activities

S = sleep & rest

Y = your WHY for your journey & unearthing old conditioning beliefs that hold you back from achieving the life you truly want


You are


* No one else on the planet is or ever can be exactly like you

* You GET TO choose your own path that works for your YOUnique self

* Personalized health care is worth pursuing - it's the only way to help your body thrive

* You reclaim your personal power when you truly embrace your special YOUniqueness


Healing by Design

Dr. Krista's Healing by Design approach to true health care is founded on these philosophies:

*You can design your own YOUnique healing journey with confidence

*Healing is a Marathon, not a Sprint

* Skillpower is more valuable than Willpower

* You'll never be a quitter if you always start again

* You never start from scratch

* Habits = Patterns = Attachments = Identity

* Habit stacking & habit clustering are essential

* Intentional action needs to be ongoing for health

* The most important tool is your imagination

* Words are powerful

* Not all roads lead to your 'Rome', but many do

* Learn to differentiate between little "t" & big "T" truths

* Ideas are better out than in

* Life & healing is a team effort



Let's get better acquainted, shall we!

For years, I longed for a simpler way to help women BECOME their best selves by learning to apply concepts around healing that can be practiced by them without heavy medical bills and product costs! And I finally found it in this private group I founded - The EASY YOUniversity.

I share my years of medical knowledge as their "Guide on the Side" while they learn together to Heal by Design for their YOUnique bodies and minds. What a joy and privilege it is for me to be on this journey with them every single day! I hope you JOIN TODAY and decide to take full ownership of your healing path along with this group of incredible, motivated women, just like you!

You'll have support from not only myself, but also my amazing Administrator, Lucretia Apperloo, and your fellow Members, who will inspire you to new heights in health! They are all Transformational Superstars for committing to a better existence.

Are you ready to become a Transformational Superstar too?

JOIN TODAY! See you soon!

Big hug,

Dr. Krista Coombs


Dip Your Toe In Monthly


Go All In For A Year!


* month-to-month membership; cancel anytime!

* access to Facebook group posts, presentations, book club + discounts on courses & consultations, as long as you're a Member

* FREE access to Dr. Krista's recorded Design Your Stunning Life Workshop after 3 months (worth $149)

ONLY $42 CAD + GST/month



* 1 full year of Membership in the group, then cancel or renew for another year or go month-to-month

* all monthly Membership perks for an entire yea

* FREE access to the 3 month Signature Program, The EASY Way Foundations Program (normally $697 CAD)


Wonder How Much You Can Achieve In The EASY YOUniversity? Check Out These Inspiring Results That Maureen S. experienced this year...

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Wow! In this past year I have learned the added value of eating more protein, hydrating more wisely, paying more attention to what my body is telling me, eating more veggies, and up-levelling digestion. Also I have been reminded of the importance of releasing and detoxing, of healing through mediation and through music, learning self-awareness via journaling, and living more consciously.

I have found implementation of concepts and suggestions require generally small and EASY commitments done over time; gentle shifts. There are nudges to practice more self compassion and nix negative thoughts. The Level Up! Book Club has introduced me to so many relevant books that have been insightful, given lots for reflection, and offered practical solutions.

Who knew making big changes could be done one habit at a time, then stacking them; making micro shifts that build momentum; learning to truly love myself? Change does require effort…but I have learned I am worthy of being my very own passion project. Because of this group, I feel every month I am a better version of me.

All the info, encouragement, gentle prodding, reminders, mentoring, motivation, inspiration, prompts to breathe, to meditate, to journal…have occurred pretty much daily. Thank you for all of that."


Join Fellow Transformational Superstars Who Have Taken Control of Their Health Journey


Heal by Design!